Five interviews, one working arrangement, one appointment, one cancellation, one staying put and one in waiting.
The Curate had over nineteen interviews with individual people before he started his training.When I first started teaching you could apply to be in a 'pool' of teachers for a particular education authority. Once in that 'pool' you were first in line for any short term contracts and supply work. That way you became known and were assessed actually doing the job. Head teachers would come round and visit you in your classroom. You still had to be interviewed for any permanent job but they had a much fairer idea of what they were getting. There was no demonstration lesson with children who had no idea who you were or why you were there. That doesn't even happen in inspections.
Myself and younger son's girlfriend were both applying for teaching posts - she is at the beginning of her teaching career and I am at the end. My job was part time and hers was full time. Meeting one person after another is a very exhausting way for a candidate to be interviewed - I met five people and had to perform in an unknown classroom. It took all morning (I gather there were other candidates on other days) and no one was appointed to the job.Which is probably fortunate as I am very happy where I am. Learner Teacher had two interview days, one after another and had to jump the hoops in the classroom. I am happy to say she was successful on the second day and can now focus on getting started.
During all of this time, younger son watches and waits. The type of job he is applying for seems to take three months to get to the interview stage. In some cases, I wonder if he can remember what it is he has applied for, as it all takes so long. The various stages from applying, to psychometric testing, to telephone interview, to face to face interviews are so spread out it is very easy to lose heart. But he too, was off to an interview last week and is still awaiting an outcome. He has several applications moving into the next stages so what he will finally end up doing is not predictable at the moment. The elongated time factor is very unsettling.
And The Curate, not to be outdone, has had the prearranged meeting with his New Boss to discuss working arrangements. This should have also been with New Bishop but that was cancelled so some of the pressure was taken off. Arrangements for final service in present parish, welcome service in the new parish and the house move are in full flow. All these events happen in the space of seven days.
It's a good job God made us so resilient ( except that I have a horrible cold now!).
gosh what a week! Hope all the preparations for the move go well..
red :)
What a palaver for you all! Best wishes for the move and the new parish and hope younger son is successful in his turn.
God bless, you resilient curate's wife--soon to be vicar's wife?
No,unfortunately not yet Anita. The Curate is only two years into his curacy (at least another one/two years to go). Our Bishop has been very supportive and has encouraged me to keep working. He has made this move possible so that The Curate can complete his curacy actually living with me. It's an odd situation that found us so far apart and too difficult to explain here why it happened - but it has had some benefits. He has had a very positive first placement and is set to gain valuable experience of a different type of parish with this move. All good experience before becoming The Vicar.
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