Tuesday, 26 April 2011


  Pulled - shackled - chained - attached - linked - strengthened 
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 

Sometimes I feel torn between two worlds. I guess that's what is going on now. We had a fantastic Easter service led by The Curate and our youth and family worker. We have had beautiful weather and I have been with The Curate for over three weeks - and now we are back to the travelling routine. I don't want to be doing it. I am seriously beginning to question whether I should carry on working despite the fact that we are moving very shortly which will make it easier for me to work. I guess it is because I am unsettled at the moment but I can also feel a change in my attitude to being a curate's wife. I even considered striking through the 'reluctant' in the title of this blog - so it becomes 'The (reluctant) curate's wife'. I never thought I would feel like this. 


Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Blessed be the chains that bind us! We are so pleased to learn that you are feeling a little more relaxed about your situation and that the Easter services have led you to think, perhaps, in a new or different way.

The image of the bluebell wood is magical, every reason to hope.

Kathy said...

I honestly think that it takes at least as long for a clergy spouse to adapt and grow into their new role as it does the cleric in question, especially when the vocation to ministry comes long after marriage. After all, it's not what you took on when you married him, is it? :-)

It's hardly surprising that after 2 (or is it 3?) years of this new life you're starting to question the way it and your feelings about it are developing. Prayers for you as you work out your way forward together.

Shirlwin said...

I think that you are close to coming to a decision as to where your path truly lies ... A quote I read: "One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." Perhaps this Easter has given you a new view ... as lovely as the bluebells in the woods?